To suppliers
Our waste paper recycling center accepts and recycles waste paper. We use it at our factory as raw material for production of corrugating paper, kraft paper, paraffin base paper and board. That is why we constantly purchase waste paper of grade MS-5B in accordance with GOST 10700-97. Waste paper is weighed on truck scales. We accept waste paper packed in piles with min. weight 150 kg. In order to ensure the reliably high quality of paper and board produced from waste paper, the accepted waste paper undergoes acceptance control of conformity to GOST 10700-97 requirements and conditions of waste paper acceptance at Joint-Stock Company Paper Mill Kommunar.
Payment is done by bank transfer to the current account of the supplier. By mutual agreement cross change of waste paper and products of our company is possible.
If you have any questions concerning waste paper acceptance, please contact our procurement department by telephone +7 (812) 244-90-82.